Saturday, October 20, 2007

Surgery, ghosts and such

Surgery is Monday. We don't have to be there until 1pm, which I think stinks, as you don't actually have the surgery for like 3 or 4 hours. So, surgery won't be until at least 4pm, then recovery. ugh. Too long! The only thing I'm nervous about is that they get the clear margins this time.

Mom is better, then not so good. Kinda fluctuates. The other day she was so upset and down, I was nervous, but then the next day she was perfectly fine. ::shrugs:: I still say she needs meds for depression, but maybe time will heal. Dunno.

She says she mailed the check for the hotel for Christmas. So that is a huge step forward, that she will actually leave that house for an extended period.


OK, I'm really into paranormal stuff. Love it. I look forward to an event every year on a program called Most Haunted, which is a UK show that shows here on the Travel Channel. They have a 'live' event every year, and that night was last night.

They changed the format in a way as it ran for 7 hours straight, instead of 3 nights at like 3 hours a night. I had a huge problem with the commericals. I mean it got absolutely ridiculous! 5 minutes of show, 8 minutes of commercials. Every time it was getting interesting, they cut away to a commercial! If I saw this one about Aruba one more time I was gonna toss the TV through the windows. It killed the flow of the show, and frankly made me bored, watching so many damn commercials. I bailed at 12:40am, when the show was supposed to be on until 4am. But, today I find out the cable providers all screwed up and cut the shows's last 2 hours and instead put on info-mercials nationwide!! Lots of pissed off people. So they're running the last 2 hours again tonight at 11pm.

Another live one on Halloween night - Ghost Hunters on SciFi Channel. They're at the Waverly Sanitorium. But again, it's like 5, 6, 7 hours or something. I guess I'm getting old; I can't handle these late hours anymore, lol.

So, that's it. I'll report back after surgery. Won't know the results until probably Thursday. PLEASE pray that I get negative margins!

Happy Birthday Maryellen!

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