Thursday, October 25, 2007

Blue skies, nothing but blue skies...

Pathology report in. ALL clear! Negative margins in the breast, 11 nodes removed, 6 had microscopic tumor. So I'm good to go, no more surgery!! I have to recover from this bout, which hurts a helluva lot more than the last, and then onto rads!

The dent left behind is rather shocking. I saw PART of it last night for the first time (will see the entire thing in about an hour) and it is a large dent. In fact, I was crying. But now, knowing I am clear all around, I can live with it.

You simply can't even imagine what it feels like when they tell you 'all clear'. I was 'what if-ing' myself into a frenzy. What if I don't have clear margins, then I have to have a mastectomy, all this surgery for nothing.

But for now, I'm clear. That's not saying it will never come back. It might. But I can't think about that now. I'm gonna be Scartlett O'Hara for a day, and think about that tomorrow.

And thank God there IS a tomorrow!

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