Tuesday, August 7, 2007

In other news...

First let me say my blood test (DNA test) has been delayed due to Medicare's incompetence. I won't have the results until the end of August now. So, I must once again cancel the surgeon appt., and this pushes my treatemnt back probably till October/November area.

OK, I know I touched on this in past posts, but I gotta say it again.

I really cannot STAND Barack Obama. I am mystified at this "aura" around him that others see. He's all mouth when it comes to "I didn't vote for this war". Well, duh. You weren't IN the Senate when they voted on it. He really thinks he's just all flippin' THAT, and I don't get it. He's got absolutely NO experience in just about everything. No foreign policy experience, hardly a wisp in Senatorial experience, I just don't get it. It's getting to the point when I hear him speak I think he's full of shit and it's all an act. Haven't we had enough of having someone as president who has no experience and is dumb as a freakin' doorpost? After the absolute collosal, horrifying messes this Adminstration has gotten this country into, and criminal acts perportrated (no, I won't list all the crimes and misdemeanors) we need someone who talks MORE about US, the people than this mind numbing quagmire a la Saigon going on.

Pull out the troops. OK, that's solved, what's next? End of it. We're pouring BILLIONS, TRILLIONS into the welfare of the Iraqi people. Yes, I know, it's awful what WE did, all those Iraqis have died because we invaded their country, but come on now. The Iraqi police are shooting at OUR troops, Iraqis are planting road side bombs to kill our soldiers. Is this a thank you? Nah, they hate us, they want us OUT. ALL that money could be spent on US, you know, George, AMERICANS. We need someone who talks more about fixing the minimum wage, health care, pensions, companies moving to Mexico. And finding bin Laden. ANYONE who finds this guy and brings him to justice (a bullet in the head is too easy) deserves sainthood. Bush doesn't give a rats ass about bin Laden, never did. And what a fool. Besides the screamingly obvious, (like avenging an attack on us?) he had the sympathy of the entire PLANET after 9/11; any country would have helped, done anything to help us, find bin Laden, etc., etc. But he did nothing. Instead he made a left and went into Iraq to get the oil and settle a Bush family vendetta.

ALL that aside, Obama, I dunno, he just gives me the creeps, I see him as an actor, a possible liar and just someone I would not want to watch my cat, let alone watch the country.

Sorry, but I'm still with John Edwards. I think this is the ONLY person who actually gives a shit and means what they say. I know he's too far behind to get the nomination, but he speaks so passionately about health care, and workers and the average Joe. I sure hope he gets a job in the next Clinton Adminstration.
Again watched 'American Psycho' last night. If you haven't seen it, it's a MUST see. Black humor about a Wall streeter who is certifiably insane and is a possible serial killer. Must see TV.
Sale of my mom's summer house MAY fall through.

They did an inspection on the septic system, and due to it's age - 35+ years - the tanks are deteriorating. This MAY be a deal breaker. This really REALLY sucks as she needs the money from that sale to pay off bills on the Long Island house my dad left. She may end up homeless, and no, I'm not being dramatic.
Batman is coming tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, he was supposed to be here YESTERDAY, but he never showed, didn't show today, and me the forever cynic, is starting to think he took my $1000 and hit the road. (the rest gets paid next month)

Husband called him this morning, I called at 3. He calls back at 4:30 and says he's been so so so busy (*yawn* - aren't we all?) and he will be here tomorrow. If he's telling the truth, the bats should have a humdinger of a bash up there tonight, 'cause it's adios after tomorrow. Then we go to work on the ants eating the house. ugh.
All for now...

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