Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Bats in my belfry...

This has got to be some cruel joke being played on me by God.

Ten days ago we had $1300 worth of work done on the car.

Today, after the absolute CIRCUS of last night, we get a $2000 bill from an exterminator kind of guy. Yes, that's right we have a 'small population' of bats in our attic, not to mention the colony of carpenter ants eating the house. And I gotta say, I've been telling my husband I hear something in the wall by the corner by the TV for MONTHS, like a crunching noise, not loud. Ah, you're crazy, I don't hear anything.....

And me and my cat have been hearing something in the ceiling running back and forth for months. Ah you're crazy, I don't hear anything....

$2000 later. Who was right? UGH! MEN!

It is UNNERVING to say ther absolute least to hear these things scratching and running and whatever the hell they're doing over your head. RIGHT over the head. Last night was a circus, at least two of them, one on each side of the living room going back and forth, scratching, running, whatever, I was popping Xanax down my throat, near tears. We're on the phone with pest control places at 1am. The guy comes today - get this - Adirondack Dundee - I kid you not. Dressed in Aussie wear, he goes up in the attic and says we have bats and ants and possibly a flying squirrel. Oh, joy.

$2000. $1300 ten days ago. I might as well go straight to debtor's prison. It's insanity.

Serenity Now.

Blue Sky out...

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