Thursday, August 9, 2007

Holy %$@!, Batman!

Well, batman came and went in less than an hour. Shocked me into next week. For $2000 I expected he be here all day. But he closed up all the holes, removed a deceased bat (ewwww!) and inserted the one way doors. Didn't hear a thing last night. We'll see. He says in 72 hours they'll all be gone.

Onto the ants.....

Not much going on. Too damn hot, even for up here. AC being used every night, I fear for the electric bill. Autumn where are you?

We're attending a town wide garage sale this Sunday. Most towns have 'em up here.

Not much going on, cancer wise. Except I am now taking Tamoxifen (pills) every day, it's supposed to slow down/eliminate the cancer. Have to take it for 5-10 years. If it eliminates the cancer, why surgery? I'm confused...

Hmmmm, what else? I'm not a baseball fan, per se, I find the game as boring as HELL, but I gotta say this Barry Bonds fellow. I'd put a "*" after his name as well. Seems to me every baseball player could be Superman if he was taking as much drugs as him. I mean, I saw on TV his HEAD has actually gotten bigger. Come on now....

Husband going to all days. I like it. Gives us some sense of normalcy, and he'll be here every night and home by 6pm, like regular people, lol.

Waiting to see if this sale of my mom's summer house goes through. I will put my head in the oven if it falls through. This will be the third contract to go bye-bye. And she needs to sell it before Sept. 19, because the County will take it and she will have no resource to pay all the bills on Long Island. What a mess my dad left.

Anywho, that's about it. Most side effects of chemo have gone away, except my nails are such a mess! I'm afraid a few may fall off. My hands look terrible and my toenails have suffered as well. Check my head every day for sprouts. There's a few, but I see it's gonna take a loooooooong time for the hair to come back.


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