Saturday, July 28, 2007

Money for nothin'

Found out completely by accident that STUPID Medicare had me listed on my account as having Aetna US Healthcare as my primary insurance!! Yeah RIGHT, that's why I've got astronomical bills. I only found out because the lab called me who is doing my BRCA DNA test and told me Medicare denied payment as they are my secondary insurance. I'm like, huh? Secondary? I HAVE no other insurance. After much digging, I find out what's going on, so what they had done is deny all my bills since July 1. Crikey.

So I had to make a million calls and tell everyone what's going on, and tell them not to submit any bills for 15 days, while their ancient system catches up. It never ends....

Having my 2nd bone scan on Monday. Had one in March and he saw 'something' on my right rib but said at the time he thought it was trauma from an accident. Now he wants to make sure. Two ways we can go here. It's either exactly the same, meaning chemo has no effect on it as it is trauma or it's much lighter meaning chemo HAS had an effect, so it is cancer, and I no longer Stage 2, but Stage 4 - incurable but treatable. But if it is Stage 4, my life expectancy would go down quite a bit. AND I may have to have more chemo. I'm not sure I can take any more chemo, truly. Everything is falling off my body, so to speak. It's affected my hair, my nails (fingers and toes), my gums and teeth, my skin, my stomach, intestines, poor body has been ravaged by it, it's lowered my immune system so much, that everything is affected.

I find out all on August 6. If I am Stage 4, I'd be just like Elizabeth Edwards, without the millions. ::snark::

Have an appt. with the surgeon Aug. 15. He hasn't examined me since well before chemo, so now will decide what course to take. Alot of BC women I talk to don't take any chances and have a double mastectomy. I'm not sure I can do that. They do it to lower their re occurance rate to nothing. If the rib thing is cancer, well, I dunno, may have to do it.

Whatever road we take, radiation follows for 6 weeks; every day.

Remember I wrote my disability insurance co. owes me quite a bit for overpayments to my attorney? Well, of COURSE, they screwed me as well. They owed me thousands and sent me $700 bucks. I have no clue how they arrived at $700, but it's way way off. This will be a deathmatch trying to get this money.
How MUCH does Michael Vick need to burn in hell? I cannot conceive of humans being so cruel and subhuman to do to animals what he did. And he's guilty as sin. Why do people think it's OK to have dogfights? On CNN they said it's a growing "sport". This is SPORT?? SPORT? Torturing and killing dogs? Crikey, if I knew HALF of what goes on in the world with animals, I'd probably commit suicide.
Mom seems a but better a times, but then slips back into her own netherworld. I really am beginning to think she's just afraid. She lived with her parents, then came here and married my dad. She's never been alone. She's never paid bills or had to the 'boss'. I think that's why she just sits and doesn't do anything. She keeps changing her mind about moving up here. Me? I don't think she will.
Husband working himself to death. Ridiculous hours; he's never here. I'm bored to death, sleep too much, we never see each other. He came home about an hour ago, and went right to bed. He closed last night, got home at 11pm, then had to be in at 8am. It's outrageous! Boy do we need to win the lottery.....the money I'm getting (someday) from the insurance company will only help pay the medical bills; no added bonus for us. Never any extra, never.
Oscar the Cat. Predicts people's demise only hours before. He lives in a nursing home and sits on people's beds when they are hours away from death. I think I saw there's another cat who does this in another state. Man, what would you do? Fly out of the bed like a gymnast and lock yourself in the bathroom?

OK, that's about all from here. Another cheery entry from me, right? Can't wait for summer to be OVER. When I look at a calender and see OCTOBER, I will dance over the moon.

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