Thursday, July 26, 2007

Time marches on...

I know it's been a long time, but I really haven't had anything that seems important to say. HA. I feel like people must be sick of hearing my medical stories by now.

Just hung up with Hillary Clinton's office. I had contacted them months ago, but they just called back due to being overwhelmed with emails and calls. I explained my situation and surprisingly the guy seemed genuinely shocked at the state of the health care system (or lackthereof) in this country. I told him my bills are now over $80,000 and I swear the guy almost dropped the phone. Look, I'm a Dem, and a Clintonite, love them, but I told the guy if she doesn't start talking about health care and do something, I will vote for someone else. He seemed a little taken aback, but I told him I'm very serious about this. You only appreciate situations when you're IN them, and now I completely understand and KNOW there are people much worse off. I'm rambling, forget it. But the bottom line is he said Senator Clinton may call you.

Second week after chemo. Effects starting to dissipate, but fingers still numb, feet a mess, teeth a mess, gums, stomach problems, nails gone all weird. But the great news is there is no more, so it can only go up from here. I hope...

How long for your hair to grow back? I know it takes a long time for your nails to come back, I sure hope my feet and gums recover. But they do say some of the damage done by chemo is permanent, like chemo brain.

It seems like my mom's summer house is finally sold, and we can pay off what remains of the bills my dad left. A huge hurdle. So now I can try and get my mom to move forward with life. It's been almost 8 months since my dad passed, and she really hasn't moved off the kitchen chair. Maybe now she can start moving forward. We're trying to convince her to move up by us, but it's difficult, as she has lived in that house for 45 years, and also she said to me the other day, she would feel as if she's leaving my dad there. I understand, but this distance thing has got to be addressed.

Watched a great ghost show last night on SciFi, Ghost Adventures. I watch em all, but I tell ya, this one REALLY scared me. I kept looking around the room as I watched. ha.

Christmas in July is over and I didn't buy a thing! Aren't you proud? Nah, don't be, I only didn't buy anything 'cause it was pretty lame this year. I bought lovely things last year, but this one really wasn't that good.

That's about it, kids. Not much else going on. Hoping everyday I wake up the side effects are gone, but that won't happen for a few weeks still.

Hope all is well.

Isn't this a beautiful house? A dream house...

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