Friday, July 20, 2007

Almost Christmas

So, 4 days after chemo, and I've only felt awful ONCE. Got some heartburn, but it's nowhere near what's it been in the past.

AND I have NO MORE chemos! We hope.

I have been told that after more testing, they do sometimes throw on more chemo. I think I will seriously have to pass and assume I've had enough. I want my feet and nails and hair to start coming back.

Bone scan 7/30 to double check on ribs, then results of BRCA tests. 4 or 5 weeks of rest, surgery, radiation. FIN.

I've been told all along a lumpectomy will be sufficient, but now I'm getting from other BC patients, I should go for a mastectomy; and not just the breast effected, but both. I'm not so sure, I'm not comfortable with hacking off body parts that ain't broke, y'know? If the BRCA is negative then I have a small chance of re occurance, so why hack 'em both off? Or is it just precautionary to get rid of both? I don't know.

Guess I should wait until all tests are in and take my oncologist advice; he's been more than straight with me all along.

Good news finally arrived at my poor, beleaguered doorstep.

I dont know for the life of me what put this in my head, why I started thinking of it at all, divine intervention? Who knows? But here's the poop.

I am on Worker's Compensation Disability and have been for quite a while. My case was settled Jan., 3, 2003. So, I was also left with a $3700 attorney fee for fighting the good fight. They took $30 a week, $60 a check, $120 a month out of my checks to pay for it. Still with me?


The other day I suddenly think, shit, this thing has got to be paid by now. I email the paralegal I worked with at the law firm (on Long Island) and her first words are that's gotta be paid. Long story short, I found the court papers, figured it out and yes, SOMEONE owes me over $3000!!!!

Don't know if it's the attorney or the insurance company, but someone has to cough up for 2 years + of payments I've been making to a bill already paid in July, 2005!

NOW try and get it, right? Is anyone gonna take repsonsibility or are they gonna throw it back and forth like a volley ball? We'll see.

This would really help, as I get 12 bills a month for the cancer treatment. ONE from the hospital, then the oncologist, surgeon, radiation consult, pathology, ultrasound, EKG, CT scan, bone scan, reading of scans, etc., etc. With that money I could pay off most of those and only be stuck with the hospital bill, which is like, what? $80,000? ::shudder:: But at least my money dancing out the door would go down from $350+ to $50!

Next Wednesdeay is July 24. Know what that means? Christmas in July on QVC! WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Starts at 9pm EST and goes all the next day. I'm a Christmas decorating FOOL, and bought GORGEOUS items from them last year. A huge pinecone wreath filled with white lights, a pinecone garland also with lights, battery operated wreaths we put outside (we started decorating, then my dad passed away and it all came down). As y'all know I'm a pinecone FREAK and a Christmas hound, so I will be in HEAVEN!!!

All for now, feel OK, not too bad, just bad heartburn. Hope all are well.

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