Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Random things on my mind

OK, so no one is holding their breath waiting to read what I'm thinking, but here goes.

Last night I had one of the best TV experiences ever. Larry King had The Beatles on and ohmygod, kill me! Yes, yes, I am a total lifelong Beatles nut, but wow was this just too cool or WHAT?? Been a damn long time since I've seen Paul and Ringo interviewed at the same time. They sprinkled the show with song clips and movie clips, it was a wonderful, glorious walk down a well beaten path. It was bittersweet in a way, because two of them are gone, and it all seems so long ago. They looked so young and it just makes you feel your own age. And Paul's new CD is no. 3 on Billboard! Yippee!

Let's see.....oh right. First on my list is one of the most hateful, cruel, blathering, wrong, shrill lunatics walking the earth. Coultergeist. If you don't know who Coultergeist is, you're not paying attention. I don't care what side of the political aisle you're on, this poor, poor excuse for a human is so filled with rage and hate, you actually have a physical reaction to her venom and hateful comments. And she makes them personal. Of course (GOD help us) she would never attack a conservative, but the personal comments she makes about those not on her side of the street (which I don't know if it's human, transgender or just insane) never cease to amaze me. Attacking people who have had children killed, attacking the 9/11 widows as a bunch of 'harpies', who are 'glad their husbands were killed in the WTC', wishing terrorist death on Presidential candidates. I could go on and on...

But the networks that give her air time are most at fault. She is insignificant and nothing but a hate mongering fool, but still the networks give her face time. Maybe if they all ignore her, she'll disappear or head up the Americna Nazi party somewhere. I'm a Democrat and always have been, but Good LORD, I would never ever say the things she does about the opposition. Ever. I "think" we still have free speech in this country, and she can say whatever she wants, as can I. I may disagree with mostly everything about this secretive, strangely criminal Administration, (now Cheney says he's not IN the Executive Branch. Huh?) but I would never say the things she does about it's members.

How many car and beer commercials do we need to see in a day? And all those lawyer commercials...geez! Not to mention umpteen ED commercials. Boy, they sure found a 'cure' for limp dick syndrome in a hurry, didn't they? If only they could work that fast on real diseases..

Have I mentioned how I loathe summer? Give me 3 feet of snow anyday....

Geez, my feet hurt. One of the side effects. I have to bathe them in COLD water 4 times a day just to be able to walk. That's right - cold water. I was so so wrong, thinking hot water was the key. But I did some research and discovered if you got this thing I got with my feet, hot water only dries them out further. So cold water is the key. So if you're feet reeeeally hurt, try cold water.

Have little seedlings growing on my head. Don't know HOW cause I'm still having chemo, but I feel little sprouts, wonder how long before I have actual HAIR again?

Chemo kicking my butt, but only 2 left.

OK, OK, I'm off complaining again about treatment, so I shut up. Man, can't go a half hour without complaining!

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