Monday, June 25, 2007

Itching can drive you crazy...

OK, so I'm on Taxol now. He (oncologist) said it wouldn't be as bad as AC.

Well, he was so wrong.

This is 10000% worse. On AC I was tired, I mean bone tired. So you lay down, right? But THIS! Good LORD, I can't stand the side effects, I'm about to go mad. Thank GOD I only have two more! The web between my thumb and forefinger on my left hand areso ITCHY and peeling, it's driving me mad. And my feet, HOLY COW! They are peeling, red, ITCHY beyond human comprehension. I swear I want to just use something sharp and jagged to take away the itch! I've gone through TUBES of cream, bathing my feet, changing socks ten times a day, nothing helps. If you're reading this, you're probably thinking "an itch?" OK, so try it, seriously. I mean itch on a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 1,456,734.

And the tips of my fingers are numb. He said this would happen.

But my poor feet! And the bone and joint pain in my legs is unbearable, sometimes I can't even walk!

I have to go for a blood test today to see my blood count. White has been pretty good, red down, hence the anemia, platelets good. But I GOTTA get something for my feet, I'm about to go out of my mind.

And my fingernails have gone all wacky. The side effects are absolutely MADDENING!

I do apologize for not getting back to people in emails, truly. My mail has been all screwy and some emails come back to me, I don't get others etc. Janet, I got your entry, and I will answer. I can't believe you were getting mail from me about Viagra! LMAO! I did a fiull scan and some adult dialer was installed on my pc, but it's gone, you shouldn't be getting them, let me know if you are.

Someone I really don't like. Barack Obama.

He criticizes everyone like he's some perfect candidate. He wasn't even IN the Senate when they voted on the Iraq War, so it's easy for him to say he was against it from the beginning. He criticizes everyone and he has NO EXPERIENCE at all in anything... ugh.

Another one on my list, and has been there for a LONG time is Guiliani. This creep has used 9/11 since the day it happened to his advantage, something like Bush et al. He rushed down to the firefighters ceremony in SC and wanted to make a speech! Can you imagine using an event like that to your advantage and for political reasons?? John Edwards was there, but he's FROM SC! And was their Senator. But Guiliani, this guy is a real pice of woprk. He WAS on the Iraqi Study Group, but never showed up for ANY meetngs, because it interferred with his speech giving schedule on - wait for it - 9/11! This guy has made over $17 million off the backs of dead people. He makes me sick. Isn't this the same guy who said the air was fine down there, called off the search for victims? Almost six years later they are still finding people, some in SEWERS! Crikey! Makes my head want to explode. Dead in a sewer for almost 6 years!


Some of my friends cannot fathom the situation I am in regarding my medical bills. Well, I'm $75,000+ in now. Read all you can
on Michael Moore's upcoming "SICKO". You'll see how pathetic the health care system is.

I promise to get back to everyone.

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