Tuesday, May 29, 2007


OK, why Saw?

Ever see the movie? The whole point is a guy who is dying, and he feels people don't appreciate their lives and what they have. Yeah, OK it's a horrfying thing he does to people, but that's the idea behind it.

Going through something like this really does teach you to appreciate every day, what you take for granted. We all take life for granted. Get up, do this, go there, everything's basically OK, everyone has some sort of problem, whether it be money, health, whatever, but you get through. You just don't realize how you take things for granted.

I certainly do not any longer. Between my dad passing away, and me not having seeing him since October, then finding out about the BC, the cost, the sickness of the treatment, worrying about mail coming and who wants money, the dread of the side effects, the spector of death always lurking, will the cancer go away, will it come back, my husband going through this as well, my poor mother.

So what I'm trying to say is please appreciate every day, all the people around you, if you have an argument, make up, don't hold grudges. Be happy, do things you want, don't put them off, don't ever think oh there's another day, enjoy your life and live it.

That aside, my white blood count is still down, but not as bad. Red blood count is down, still have anemia, platelets are fine, bt he did say to say that the fatigue and white blood count business will subside, because I am done with Adriamycin, and moving on to Taxol, which isn't as horrifying on your body.

Have your mammos, girls. Please.


Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie. Noticing your spirit is still going strong! That a girl! I have a mam this afternoon, something doesn't feel right. I'm actually getting an ultrasound. My mom said that those are kind of cool. Love ya and hang in there! You're doing great! - Steph

Anonymous said...

Hey! You sound good, and yes, chemo does do a number on yu. But you're halfway through! I tell you, you are one o the bravest, strongest people I know. Love you. Annie