Friday, June 8, 2007

Got yourself a gun...

I've been feeling really sick, so no new posts for awhile. I switched to Taxol, and this stuff makes all your muscles, bones, joints and everything hurt, hurt, hurt till you're near tears. Seriously. Vicodin doesn't even help. 6 more weeks of this.

Special shout out to my girl Steph, I'm so happy, sweetie, for you.

Paris Hilton. Good GOD in heaven! Does this rate all this air time and breaking news??? Who cares about this nobody? What, so she's famous because she had the ultimate luck to be born a Hilton? The most ridiculous thing I've seen in a long time.

Now the real news.

The Sopranos. Man oh man, I am on pins and needles till Sunday. I can't wait and I don't want it to come. I'm gonna miss this show like nobody's business.

I have also changed my mind a hundred times on what I think is gonna happen. I was convinced Tony would buy it at the hands of Phil or one of his crew. Now I've changed my mind. I now go on record, lol, as saying I don't think Tony gets whacked. But I do believe there's gonna be things happening that will make you fly off the couch gasping.

OK, here's a couple of thoughts.

Why is it when the enemy list a la Phil is revealed Paulie Walnuts ain't on it? No one finds that strange? He wants Tony, Bobby and Sil gone. So Bobby and Sil are gone for all intents and purposes, leaving Tony. But WHY is Paulie left off?

Someone or a series of someone's are gonna get it, but I don't think it's anything you think. Do we need a drumroll?

I think it's a possibility (so don't hunt me down Monday) that Meadow gets killed. Huh, she hears them all mutter. Think about it. In the last few weeks we saw Tony go berserk cause some loser of Phil's makes less than honorable comments to Meadow. He beats the crap out of the guy, bangs out his teeth, screeching, "my daughter? MY DAUGHTER??" Harken back to The Godafather III. What ends up breaking Michael Corleone? The death of his daughter. A mistake for sure, but still, that is the price he paid for all his crimes

Although I still am harboring some ideas about the family. Remember he said to Carmela, they never go after the family. Hmmmmmm. What could be the biggest punishment for all Tony's sins. And with AJ going mad before our eyes...are we ever going to see Junior again? They have a lot to tie up in an hour..

Anyone who has alternate theories, PLEASE leave a comment and let me know. But I'm really thinking someone in the family gets it, or maybe more than one.

Thanks for a great show that will be sorely missed...

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