Sunday, May 27, 2007

And so it goes

Happy Memorial Day. This is a US Air Force flag, of which my dad was a member. So Happy Memorial day, Dad. And think of all the soliders that are dying in Iraq for absolutely no reason. No reason.

Haven't written in awhile. I've been pretty sick. Got all the bells and whistles pretty heavily and honestly did not have the energy or anything to come on. I think it's absolutely amazing the treatment for the sickness makes you 1000% sicker than the sickness.

Nothing really to report, except I have a viral infection and am on anti biotics, plus anemia, so I've been pretty weak and such. Sleeping alot, I mean, there was one day I could not wake up, and pretty much slept all day.

I cannot fathom on any level HOW this Asshat Rodeo Clown still has a job in the White House. I cannot keep up with the lies, scandals, embarrassments, failures, disgraces and such. He has faith in his Attorney General. Really? My cat is more qualified to be AG. His entire staff is lying to protect the fact that either Rove or Chief Asshat is lying about this US Attorney Scandal. Rove is behind everything, from Valierie Plame to this and nothing is done. NOTHING! 5 million emails missing, endless amounts of money to supply a war that has absolutely not one reason to exist. WHEN is someone in this horrifying administration going to pay attention to Osama Bin Laden? I guess never. They'll just wait for the next poor sap who is sworn in. WHEN is someone going to do something about the PEOPLE of the US? The next poor sap, I suppose. This utter disgrace that STOLE the presidency has not done ONE thing that is positive for this country. Think I'm being too harsh? Name one. ONE.

Cannot wait to see Michael Moore's new Movie "Sicko" that focuses on the health careLESS system. I mean you've even got REPUBLICANS saying it's a great movie. So many poo-poo'ed him and called him everything from a terrorist to a communist when he made Farhenheit 9/11, but that was an amazing piece of work. He was RIGHT, wasn't he? We say that in the movies the day it opened and people stood and cheered. If only everyone had only believed him before the 2004 election, although I really do believe John Kerry won Ohio. Ohio of 2004 was the Florida of 2000.


He doesn't have to backtrack and change his story. He's had the same opinions since back in the day, and he's been absolutely 1000% correct on everything he said!

Besides the small fact that he actually won the election.

Things I'm Really Looking Forward To

  • Most Haunted Live June 1 - Eastern State Penetentiary (one of the truly frightening places in the world)
  • Next Sopranos. Yes, yes, I'm still trying to figure out the big bomb here. GOTTA be Tony's death. Right?
  • Memory Almost Full - new CD by Paul McCartney - June 5, 2007
  • Paul McCartney

I've been speaking more to my family. We don't have a close family, never did. I have no brothers and sisters. The only family I had here is my parents, my aunt, uncle and three cousins. My aunt and uncle are divorced, so I literally hadn't seen him in over 15years till my dad's funeral. Isn't it funny how family relationships change when you're an adult and no longer looked upon as one of the kids? I've been speaking to my aunt, my dad's sister, quite a bit since my dad passed, and she calls me every weekend since she found out about the BC. She's also my godmother. But it's odd, we have adult conversations, and honest ones at that. She even tells me she loves me. Which I had never heard from her before. My cousin calls me, never got him to call me my entire life.

My mom's side is all in England, but there aren't many of them left. I haven't spoken to them in a long long time. My mom called her cousin to tell her about my dad, but seemingly the conversation didn't go well for reasons I don't know and she hasn't called since. I find it all odd, they were always so close they were like sisters, but my mom calls London to tell her my dad passed away, her cousin spent a few minutes on it, then moves onto my aunt in England who is very ill. Quite rightly, my mom was very mad, and hasn't called since, nor has she received any calls from England, which I KNOW upsets her.

Since I have such a small, distant family all my life, I really never 'got' the family closeness, always depend on your family, etc. stuff. But since I've been sick, I've had 2 members call me more than they had their entire lives.

That's pretty much it, kids. We're gonna try and hve a small cookout tomorrow, it's probably gonna rain. Fine with me, I love rain, hate heat and we have a roofed screened in porch, where we will cook on an indoor grill and try to relax. My poor husband has not had a legitimate day off for a long time. He's off Sunday and Monday, but today he worked, and every Monday I'm either having chemo or bloods tests/oncology appts. Tomorrow we have no appointments. None. So tomorrow, we will be normal people without sickness, skyrocketing medical bills, and misery.

Hope everyone has a pleasant day off.

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