Wednesday, April 4, 2007

You ask how my day was

I slept with a stuffed animal last night. Funny thing is I don't remember grabbing it, don't know how it happened.

The words the doctor said to me were 'your scans look good'.

I had already been crying and hyperventilating before he came in for 15 minutes, they couldn't even take my BP because of the state I was in.

Once he did arrive and utter those words, I started crying again and grabbed my husband and thanked God so many times, 'thank God' sounded like one word.

I have a small cyst in/on? my left ovary, but he said he quite expected to see something of that sort at my age with JUST having stopped my periods. But I'm having a pelvic ultrasound anyway.

I start chemo Monday.

I was taken on a tour of the CR Wood Cancer Center Treatment Center today. Smashing place, truly. You get your own room where to receive your chemo, with your own TV and bathroom. They have a boutique, where I have to make an appointment to have my new wig picked out and ordered for me, free of charge.

I'm having chemo and radiation for 16 weeks, before we even consider surgery. I'm not sure if that's really good or doesn't matter. Oncologist told me of another patient quite a bit older than I who had a mass about the same size of mine and halfway through her chemo, it's gone.

The medication is brutally expensive. He gave me a free coupon for one that costs $400 for 3 pills. The chemo nurse she can give me free samples they have. Remember I have no medical insurance. AND Medicare totally screwed me. So I have nothing. I already got a bill from the cancer center I can't pay, plus a $750 bill from the Emergency Room, for the pleasure of having them take my blood pressure and absolutely nothing more.

Crikey. What a country. Richest country on EARTH, but can't think of anything better to do with trillions of dollars but invade countries that have done nothing to us. Screw the citizens! Health Care? HA! Health careLESS is more like it.

Breathe, breathe, breathe.

All that aside, I have Stage 2 cancer in my left breast. He saw some shadow on my right side by my rib, but said did you have trauma there, and I did, run over by a car, broke a rib, among other things. He said I thought it was trauma, my opinion after looking at everything is there is no metasis (spreading) of the cancer. We will have more scans done in 6 months.

So I live another day.

How was your day?

1 comment:

Chainedviolet said...

I'm so happy you got some good news, must do your fighting spirit some good. I think a small celebration is in order :D