Friday, April 6, 2007

Catch 22, Easter and Insurance

Happy Easter, Happy Passover to all.

Which IS Easter? How did a bunny get involved, and what about the chocolate? One of history's greatest mysteries if you ask me.

In any case, it's Friday, Good Friday for all you Christians out there. I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic schools, but as I grew older, I found myself questioning much of the Catholic Doctrine. Still do. One of the absolute richest companies on earth, but they charge an arm and a leg for school. One of the richest companies on earth and still they ask poor people to give up their money on Sundays. Not even mentioning that much of their doctrine is stuck in the 15th century.

That is not to say I don't believe in God and Jesus. I certainly do.

But I haven't exactly been the greatest with regards to being religious. Now of course it is said everyone finds religion when they are either in prison, on the verge of being executed, or in a terrible situation. I freely admit I prayed like I was going to the chair this week. Wore my sapphire crucifix, carried around a rosary, prayed out loud, spoke to God, Jesus and Mary out loud, spoke to my late father out loud. When you're waiting to find out if cancer has spread, believe me, you pray.

And now I must return thanks for granting me what I wanted most of all; a possibility of my life. It has not spread, it is nowhere else in my body, and I'm at an early stage and only stage 2 at that. Would this all have happened if I hadn't prayed? Maybe. But we'll just never know, will we?

By the same token, since my husband and our 2 cats moved all the way up to Lake George, the basement flooded twice, to the point it all had to be ripped out (finished basement), down to concrete floors and walls) my father died, one of our cats died and now I have breast cancer. One can't help but connect all this being up here. Would it all have happened anyway? Maybe. But we'll just never know, will we?
I found out today New York State denied my request for financial assistance with the horrifying bills that are to come.

Why? Well, because I have Medicare Part A (Hospital), and that is considered insurance. Now, let me be clear, Medicare Part A does not cover doctors, tests, prescriptions, chemo, nothing. It only covers it if you're ADMITTED to the hospital. So, in plain English, I am shit out of luck with any help. I get Part B (Medical) in JULY. I'll be in debtor's prison by then.

OK, here comes the Catch 22. Oh, wait, there is a deer standing about 10 feet from my back door. How beautiful!! I took pictures.


As if all that isn't bad enough, I called Medicare in late March and asked about getting enrolled in the Prescription Drug Plan. Yes, you're eligible! but you must call back in April to enroll. No problemo. I made a sticky note saying 'call Medicare in April re: RX'. I called April 3, and was promptly told, you needed to call and enroll in MARCH. When the initial tongue tying wore off, I said, 'huh?' He repeated it. I said, well, hang on, I called in March and was told to call in April. Well, I don't know why they would tell you THAT, you needed to enroll in MARCH. 45 minutes later, no one would help. So now I don't get any prescription coverage until - wait for it - January 2008.

The patient rep at Glens Falls Hospital has told me to call Albany Law School and Legal Aid to get a lawyer to stir the shit at Medicare. I am now left in a position where I have a serious illness, and no legitimate insurance and no one to help.

As if finding out you have cancer isn't enough stress, now you have to worry about being buried in medical bills you cannot possibly pay.

WHY can't we have a decent health care system in this country?

I am writing letters to my congressperson, Kirsten Gillibrand, my Senator, Hillary Clinton, and also John Edwards, as I KNOW he can appreciate my dilemma.

I start chemo Monday. On Tuesday I also have an appointment to order my wig and get an ultrasound on the ovary cyst.

Since I psychically feel fine, it's all a dream until Monday.

Special shout outs. My wonderful friends. Amy, Cindy, Janet, Maryellen, Marilyn, Steph, Sharon and my sister-in-law, Kathy.

This weekend, I don't have cancer. I'm working on my house and going out Sunday.

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