Monday, December 10, 2007

My mother is in hospital.....again

For almost the same thing.

She was in hospital in October for loss of balance. They did CT scans, found nothing. But I called her on the dreaded, cursed December 8 after a huge sobbing crying bout she had, and she could hardly speak, and only said 'call an ambulance'.

Turns out she had a bleeder in her head from high blood pressure, she had not been taking her meds. An old problem, she doesn't like taking pills. Thank God I called her, as she was lying on the living room floor. The front door was locked, I got one of the neighbors to call an ambulance, I was unable to do so from up here, and one of the neighbors had to climb through the kitchen window.

She is now in ICU at Long Island Jewish Hospital. The prognosis seems good, but she has chronic high blood pressure, but she does not take her meds faithfully. I do not know what we are going to do. I cannot trust her; she tells me she takes it, but she doesn't.

All her neighbors try to help, but she does not seem to cooperate. I do the best I can from here, besides going through cancer treatment, but I myself, feel like I'm going to have some sort of a breakdown. My aunt and cousins are going to the hospital today.

More coming.

Prayers and hugs to Kara, who had a friend pass away on the hideous December 8, due to a motorcycle accident. He leaves behind 2 daughters and a wife who is expecting a baby boy. He was only 25.

I dread December 8.

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