Friday, July 6, 2007

Later that day...

Well, the 4th of July was by far the worst day I've had as far as 'side effects', which should be called nuclear attacks as far as I'm concerned.

I will spare you all the gruesome details, but it went on all day and most of the night, didn't sleep one wink, was up all night. The WORST day ever.

One more chemo left, but I gotta say I don't think I can survive another day like that one. I am also having some sort of special blood test done the same day, as I meet one of the "conditions" for it, I'm not really clear on the what the outcome proves, but one of the conditions is if you get BC before age 50.

Then I get a VACATION! 4-6 weeks to let my body heal before surgery! WOW! 4-6 weeks! NO chemo, no side effects, nothing! WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

It's all downhill from there. lol.

Surgery, then 6 weeks of radiation, every DAY that is, for 6 weeks! Horror show! I got the American Cancer Society to get me rides to the hospital everyday, then it's meds for 5-10 years. Then, for now, please God it doesn't come back, I'm finished.

As I said to the husband on the 4th when I was so sick, I was laying on my floor, crying, wailing, begging God to make it stop or just KILL ME ALREADY, all this joy from chemo, then they hand me a bill for this pleasure for over $50,000! What a country!

We are actually gonna take a day off this weekend. He has to work Saturday AND Sunday, which blows, but Monday we're going to Bolton Landing. Quaint, perfect small town, up Lake George a bit. Believe it or not Lake George is all but closed on Mondays, dunno why really. But Bolton is still ON Lake George, just a ways up, little shops, the perfect country town. I said to him today the only time I see the outside of this house is to go food shopping or get chemo. I think he thought to himsef, damn she's right, ya know.

Had the shock of my life yesterday (besides that pesky cancer thing). First let me tell ya, I have never met my in-laws. I know, recover from that one. My 'real' mother-in-law passed away many years ago, but there is a step mother-in-law, and my father-in-law? Well, all I have heard are horror stories, but I've never met him. They live up here, strangely enough. About 1/2 hour away. My sister-in-law, Kathy, had given our address to Ellie, the step MIL. So yesterday I am trying to get some sleep after the medical horror show of the 4th, and being up literally all night. Im laying there, drfiting off, and I hear my name being called. Now, no one knows me up here except my husband, my real estate agent and every damn person at Glens Falls Hospital. So I decide it's angels and I'm dying and they've come to get me. But it stops. I'm so friggin' NOSY I can't resist so I get up, no wig, looking like HELL from being sick and no sleep, in a nightgown and peer out my bedroom window which faces the front of the house and is also 200 feet in the air. There stands a lady at her car and she looks right up at me, I'm like 'oh great". She says "Keri?" I'm like, good Lord, who IS this? I say yes, may I help you? She announces she is my step MIL! I almost passed out cold. I look the absolute worst I could ever look, am bone dead tried, sick, you name it. i can't invite her in, I apologized for what felt like 3 days, and explained how sick I was. I cold not beieve this sweet lady who does not even KNOW me, came by to see if I need anything and offered to take me to treatments/hospital etc. I sure do wish I felt better and had my wits abut me, because I was in a fog. But what a sweet, kind lady. Husband calling her today to explain and thank her.

Raining all day, which is fine by me, thunder. I love Fridays. It's a carryover from working, I think.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

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