Sunday, April 22, 2007

Starlight, Starbright

One day after mourning the elimination of my Islanders, my other favorite team, the Dallas Stars, rose to the occasion, coming back from a 3 games to 1 deficit, and tied the series with Vancouver.

And as if that's not enough, my favorite player in the entire hockey universe scored the winning goal.

Only the most successful American born hockey player in NHL history, Mike Modano is not exactly hard on the eyes.

So this hockey fans weekend is shaping up, when it started off so badly.

Monday is going to be hell.

9am - blood tests

9:30am - visit with oncologist

10am - chemo

3pm - primary care dr.

But then we have Game 7 between Vancouver and Dallas Monday night.

From what I can gather the hair should start going within days of THIS chemo treatment. Thankfully, my Joan Jett wig is ready for wear Tuesday.

Husband is working for another guy today, but when he gets home we're going outside to shape up the porch a bit and start raking the literally tons of pine needles off the property. I know it's spring, but last night it was 34 degrees here, so it's hard to think in terms of spring, planting, etc.

We've also decided to go down to my mom's next Sunday.

She's starting to throw snide side comments at me, about being alone no one to help her, etc. Look, I understand that she has no idea what's going on and all she knows is I'm not there, haven't been there in a while, she's all alone etc. But it irritates me when she throws these comments out and utters them under her breath. I think I've done a Meryl Streep worthy performance about all this. Since I found out, I've done her taxes for 2004, 2005 and 2006 (my dad wasn't exactly the best at keeping things up to date), I pay all her bills, I deal with the real estate agent who is trying to sell her summer house, I dealt with the property tax people, it's endless really. Look, I'm not looking for a pat on the back or a medal, but I think I've done a pretty good job with regards to appearing 'normal' to her, so she doesn't think something is wrong. But hey, like I said, can't blame her, she has no idea and she's in the dark.

OK, onward and upward.

Good Luck, Mikey Mo, you can do it, baby!

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