Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Guns as a solution?

Just got a call from Glens Falls Hospital. I've been turned down for any kind of patient assistance from either the hospital or NY State.

So now I have to set up a payment plan. Payment plan. I have a $750 bill from the emergency room, a $722 from the radiology dept., haven't even seen the bills from the surgeon, the oncologist or the chemo treatment. I gotta think we're approaching tens of thousands of dollars.

Again, I say the health careLESS situation in this country is simply appalling.

As if someone doesn't have enough to consider, worry or stress over having breast cancer, you have to spend every waking moment looking for someone to help you pay for all this because the AMA and the Pharmaceutical companies in this country have such powerful lobbies, they won't help anyone who doesn't have insurance to pay for it.

Our financial lives WILL be ruined from this treatment.

You either have to be rich or dirt poor. Anyone in the middle, well, it's pretty much a screw you.

So someone else cannot handle life and goes berserk and kills people they don't even know. I never will get this mindset. OK. I GET being overwhelmed, out of options, not feeling love, whatever it may be. But I just never will get the part of feeling the need to kill people who have absolutely nothing to do with your issues.

And isn't there ANYONE who is around these people who sees something going bad?

There are FAR FAR too many guns in this country. A very violent country. And all these yahoos who are the gun fanatics, members of the NRA, think every kitchen should be stocked with an AK-47, geez. Look at the music, look at the movies, look at TV. ALL you see is guns, violence, murder, blowing people away. Take note one day. Watch the commercials for all the new movies that are full to the brim of hundreds of guns, killing people, blowing things up. And how many damn CSI's do we need? How many police shows?

The people out there who are borderline psychotic see this stuff, too.

Did you know that the so called 'gun laws' in Virginia allow a 12 year old to purchase an assault weapon? No gun checks, go in, buy.

The NRA needs to get their shit together, along with all these gun fanatics, hunters, rednecks and losers.

May they all rest in peace.
Playoffs Not Faring Well.

Dallas down 2 games to 1. Islanders lost at home in one of the most badly officiated games I have ever seen in the NHL. If you take away all the gift power plays Buffalo got, the NON calls ON Buffalo, you had a game.

I've had a stomach ache for the better part of three days. Constant horrible pains in the lower abdomen, I don't know what it is. And I tire so easily, Good LORD I can hardly do a thing in the house without having to sit down or lay down.

I was supposed to see the doctor yesterday, but we lost power Sunday and again Monday, the hill leading to our house was a sheet of ice, and yet again, the basement is wet. The seller did not tell us about this and she actually lied on the property disclosure statement saying there was no seepage and no standing water. Lies.

We had to pull the entire basement out (it WAS finished) down to bare floors and walls, spent thousands rebuilding and waterproofing, now it's all wet again.

It seemingly never ends. Every day seems to bring another thing to sit and contemplate and worry about.

Blood tests, oncologist tomorrow at 8am. ::groan::

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