Monday, April 9, 2007

Do you believe in omens?

I often have.

Put a lot into little signs and omens. I heard the Beatles before I went in and when I came out they were on again.

As I said yesterday, the most heart stopping hockey game I've had an interest in, in QUITE awhile. But my guys came through in the end, and ousted one of our fiercest rivals for a playoff spot. Love it. And did it in dramatic fashion.

I go to chemo today and saw my oncologist first. He told me everything is fine with heart, kidneys, liver etc., and there is no indication the cancer is in my lymph nodes. ALL good, right? Then he sees my Islanders t shirt and says 'well, you can't wear that here anymore." I said, "DON'T tell me. You're a Rangers fan?!" Yup, he is, so is my husband. We all had a good laugh, he poked fun at me, and me at him.

So on to chemo. A lovely private room, very comfortable bed, TV, VCR, private bathroom, quite nice. Y'know, it was over before I actually thought I was getting to heart of it. It was a piece of cake, really. I don't feel sick or nauseous (maybe that's still to come), I'm tired, I'll give ya that, but I didn't have much sleep last night. I'm peeing pink now, lol, but that's cause the chemo is red.

But all in all, it's been a good day.

My boys made the playoffs, I got my chemo, I'm on the road to recovery, found organic pomegranate juice, and we had deer come by again, saw The Sopranos, which made me laugh.

This morning's deer - same one, well, there's three that come by, one has a crippled front leg, poor thing, this one has a white spot on his face, he's Casper.


All's right with the world.

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