Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Beautiful Blue Skies, Snow Tomorrow

Absolutely stunning blue skies today. Tomorrow 6-12 inches of snow. Perfect!

I had my first Neulasta shot today. Neulasta is for people undergoing chemo, and it helps starve off infections because chemo lowers your resistance. Ready? $8000 a SHOT! And eight are required, so already in the whole for $18,000. You gotta laugh, kids.

I found a few organizations who may be able to help in the oncoming onslaught of bills. I have to send a letter to patient assistance at the hospital, then I found Medicare Rights, and they are going to help me get RX coverage. Also, they told me to go to Social Services here in Warren County for help.

Today someone emailed me Neulasta patient assistance, gonna call them. The chase for help is almost as time consuming as the treatment.
I felt a 'little' nauseous this morning, but when I ate I felt better. Otherwise I have no effects of the chemo.

I now anxiously await the results of the pelvic ultrasound. I worry about everything and now I've got myself wound up into a ball that they say ovarian cancer. I know, I know, why worry about what hasn't happened? But I didn't see breast cancer coming, so why would I see that?
Still trying to come up with a plan to inform my mom.

I think I must wait till she sees her doctor (Friday), get my wig (maybe 2 weeks and a very sporty cool Joan Jett it is!), find out about the ultrasound, then take a trip down to my beloved Long Island and have a talk.

My Islanders start their OH SO DIFFICULT series with the Buffao Sabres tomorrow, who ONLY have the best record in the NHL. ugh.

But my guys are fighters and scrappy. Love my guys. Good Luck!

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