Monday, April 23, 2007

Boy It's HOT!

Last week, we had a Noreaster and a foot of snow, this week it starts out at 85 degrees. Good Lord. Last week, winter coat, today t shirt. I just really hate summer.

Had my second chemo today, had trouble finding a good vein, so I guess I'm going to have to give in and get the port put in my chest. I don't want it, but they had a hard time today, so I'll have to go the OR and get this damn thing done. I didn't like the idea of this thing in my chest, not mentioning the COST. Bleah.

Been busy, started out at the hospital at 9am, ended at 1pm, then went to 2 antique stores picked up a few good items, post office, food shopping. Long day, tired, all this heat.

Tonight is Game 7 for the Dallas Stars. I will have to take a nap, as the game doesn't start till 10pm EST.

Oncologist said all my blood tests are very good; high white blood cell count, good platelets, blood pressure almost stabilized, and he said the tumor has already shrunk a bit! So Im very happy about that.

So it's all good, considering all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! Found your blog from the yahoo support group. I really, really didn't want a port either. My veins are small and when I'm cold or even just chilly, nothing popped up to access. So prior to each chemo, I either ran warm water on my arms or used a heating pad that the nurse provided. It worked well! You might want to ask if you can try that before going for the port! Just an idea to share with you that worked for me! I was port-free through all 8 chemo treatments. Janet