Sunday, April 1, 2007

April and the Fools

I was so hoping the doctor would call and say APRIL FOOLS!, but he hasn't thus far. But the day's young!

Don't feel as good as I did yesterday, bit of the sniffles and my breast hurts today. But that could be from sleeping on my stomach which I always do.

Last Fall, as it was starting to get colder, we had an influx of ladybugs all over our house, which I later find out is common. They are searching for a winter home, seriously! Well, now that's it's getting warmer again, the ladybugs are all stretching, waking up and wanting coffee. We're finding them everywhere, cat's going berserk trying to catch them, they're all over the curtains. So between the two of us, we're making a hundred trip a day with ladybugs in tissues, putting them outside, I cannot kill them.

I made a huge effort to eat the right things after.... [Oh, from here on out 'after' means after the diagnosis]. We bought organic everything; chicken, lemons, potatoes, onions, bananas. You cannot imagine how much organic food there IS out there. But alas, I fell off the healthy living bandwagon, by having a piece of cheesecake the other day, followed up by another piece the next day. I know, I know. I know I can rely on my husband to eat the rest of it. Last night I had organic chicken, a spring mix salad and organic potatoes. It was very good, but this brings up another thing.

Is this all like closing the barn door after the horse is in the next state?

I mean, is eating well NOW going to do me any good? I've already got the damn cancer. Should I eat whatever I want, smoke Camels with no filters like a fiend, go sit in a coal mine and take deep breaths, wrap my mouth around the exhaust of the car, and try every other thing they (who ARE 'they?") say causes cancer?

Does it make any damn difference to consider God and Jesus friends, eat well, stop smoking, and run through life with a smile once the cancer is already here?

Happy April.


Chainedviolet said...

I say well done for trying to eat healthy. Better late then never. Sometimes eating healthy makes you feel better aswell, as in more energetic. So I say try and keep it up :) You're doing great.

Kathy said...

I can so relate to your feelings on barn doors...I've been known to treat myself to a bacon cheeseburger and onion rings on my way home from chemo. If you keep up with the organic and healthy stuff, an occaisonal treat ought to be OK. I've had to work on better ways to treat myself, like a long bath with a good book. Keep up the good work :-)