Thursday, May 10, 2007

And now for something completely different....

Since all I talk about is being sick, my own problems, angst, etc., I thought now may be a good time to go over what really riles me in the world. And please, feel free to leave comments (bottom of each entry) if you agree or think I'm a nutcase.

OK. Let's start with the government of the USA. Geez, this could take awhile.

First, yes, that's right, I'm one of the lunatics out there who believe solidly that Bushie should never even have been IN the White House. He lost the 2000 election, Al Gore clearly won it, but the good ol' boys club used every trick in the book to make sure he never got there. Can't count the votes, for heavens' sake, after all this is only supposed to be a democracy. COUNT the votes the citizens cast? Bah! They had to stop that vote count and quick before Al Gore even got ONE vote ahead. Then, of course, his daddy's Supreme Court makes sure he gets in. So all that's transpired since 2000 is a freak of nature, an abberation, an illusion. Should never have happened like a bad dream.

9/11. I probably shouldn't go here, because I could go on for hours. I have vascillated between they knew it was going to happen and did nothing to stop it, to LIHOP, in internet talk, that means Let It Happen On Purpose. What kind of PRESIDENT sits and sits and sits after being told the country is under attack reading about a pet goat? Defenders will say, what what did you want him to do? Leap up out of the chair and start barking orders? Well, yeah, that would be a good start. My mind reels and screams when I think if Bill Clinton had sat there and did nothing, what they would have done. Probably put him in Gitmo within the hour.

Then he jumps on his plane and disappears.

I remember that day so clearly, as I'm sure everyone does. I was terrified. We lived 14 miles from the WTC at the time, and all we see on TV is one plane crash after another, seemingly going across the country. We just looked at each, no words, like to say, is this IT?

Of course, at the time, and for a long time after, it seemed pretty clear cut. Bunch of lunatics, who somehow think killing innocent people is all a good cause for Allah, crash these planes, setting off sheer panic and terror.

But as time went by and I read more and more and watched the videos of that day, I sensed something wasn't quite was what we were being told.

Now, don't say, oh here she goes, conspiracy theories up the ying yang. No, I don't think the whole thing was a conspiracy, but I do think there is a helluva lot we were not told the truth about that day.

As in...

How is it at the Pentagon, a 757, only makes a hole 16 feet across, and perfectly cylindrical at that? Where are the wings that supposed sheared off? Where are the tires, seats, luggage, fuselage, engines? They tell us the plane clipped the ground before entering, well, where is the damage to the grass? How is it that trucks and equipment sitting right outside the supposed entry point are not even damaged? Nor are parts of the building or windows? Something goofy about the Pentagon event. There were at least 6 cameras filming. Where are they? Why can't we see an actual Boeing plane 2 feet off the ground entering the side of the Pentagon? I don't want to hear, well it would upset people. They had no problem showing the planes at the WTC ad nauseum, over and over.

Flight 93. OK, yes, these people did alot to try and save their lives, I'll give you that. BUT, this story of them being IN the coc
kpit wrestling for control of the plane is simply fiction. The flight data recorders show they never made it inside the cockpit. They were outside the door, absolutely, banging and screaming, but there are NO English speaking voices caught on tape, right there in the cockpit.

How is it they were able to make calls on CELL PHONES 30,000 feet in the air? I can't even get my cell phone to work on my PORCH, because we have no cell towers here. I know for a fact cell phones do not work on planes when you are that high. After all I've read and seen on this subject (and it's alot) something itches at me, that Cheney (evil man) gave the order to shoot 93 down. Witnesses saw an 8 mile debris field from that plane. When a plane nose dives into the ground at over 500 miles an hour, it does not leave a debris field, but if it is has been shot at, well, yeah, I can see that. I am not saying that in and of itself was the wrong thing to do, everyone was panicking and the plane was getting closer and closer to DC. The problem is the LIE.

I know alot of people who may be reading this are thinking the chemo has gone straight to her brain. But my husband and I have quite a number of DVDs on this subject and there's alot more. Explosions at the WTC, why did it collapse the way it did? There's much talk from people who worked there, that in the weeks before 9/11, mysterious workers were in and out doing God knows what, electricity shut off throughout the building, while 'things' were being done, you know I could go on and on.

The bottom line? Do I think this was an 'inside job' ? No. Do I think the government fell down on the job and made it almost laughingly easy for this to happen? Yes. Do I think they used it as an excuse for Iraq? Absolutely. Do they still use it? Yes. They politicize 9/11 every chance they get, including that dolt Guiliani. The rest of the country thinks this guy is some sort of superhero. He ain't. The day before 9/11 his approval rating was in the low 30's, he had his mistress living in the mansion with his wife and kids and he was just a jerk. Suddenly the next day he's a GOD? Huh? The guy knows not fact one about terrorism, but he wants everyone to think that because he walked up and down the streets of downtown and told us how many were dead. He was told to put the Emergency Management Office in Brooklyn, but he put it in the WTC. He was walking around so much because he had no damn office. He made millions off the backs of the dead on 9/11, giving speeches, charging a cool million.

He's a jackass, and doesn't deserve to even be running for president, let alone elected.

And I'm sorry to say, but I don't think Barack Obama has even experience and know how to be prez either. I know everyone loves him, and thinks he's a rock star, but at the first Dem debate, he was an empty suit. There was no THERE, there.

I think John Edwards is the cat's pajamas, says all the right things and is the only candidate that express an earnest interest in the citizens of THIS country, and not Iraq. I am so sick to death about hearing about IRAQ! Yes, it's all awful, but hey we got problems too! And John Edwards seems to be the only one who cares.

I love Hillary Clinton, I think she is brilliant and really qualified to be prez, but in my heart I don't think she can be elected.

OK, so now that everyone thinks I'm a total nutcase and should be having psych treatment instead of chemo, I will leave you to your thoughts.

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