Saturday, April 14, 2007

Here we go again

This is what awaits us starting tomorrow, all the way through TUESDAY! Crikey, it never ends. We are high up in the mountains and that is where most of the snow will be, possibly 2 feet.

In other news, my mom was told yesterday by her doctor she has full blown Diabetes. I knew it was coming as she eats enough sugar to fortify a small country, so now it seems she is sufficiently 'scared' to change her eating habits. I've been telling her for YEARS it seems, to knock off so much sugar, but.

So I spend my time worrying about others. I'm trying to find her a list of what to eat and not eat, worry about my cat and my husband, and put myself at the end as I always do. My mom is bemoaning her health problems, her money problems (my dad didn't exactly leave a 'clean' financial record) and all I keep thinking is 'you have NO idea what's coming....'.

We're going to make the trip down there in a week or two to tell her because the stress of dancing on this emotional tightrope with her as far as the BC goes, is wearing me down, and I need to start focusing on keeping myself a bit more upbeat.


Divine Intervention

Since I have been diagnosed I keep 'falling into' shows about cancer. Maybe I just never took notice before, but seemingly every other day, I channel surf, and there is a show about cancer or specifically breast cancer. It's like someone is directing me there. I saw 3 shows recently, and all make you think, the way cancer is today if caught early enough, is like a condition such as asthma, you live with it and it has to be controlled. Since I have it nowhere else, and it is a relatively low stage, we can control it. I am having chemo through July, so 4 months, then I suppose surgery and radiation.

Speaking of chemo, I think I MAY be feeling the effects of it this late in the week, or it may be the Neulasta shot. I am SO SO tired, I could crawl into a ball all the time and go to sleep, and my bones and joints are so achy. I know that's an effect of the Neulasta, but no hair loss yet, no vomiting.

Also, I got in touch with the drug company that makes Neulasta and I'm getting financial help, as it is about $8000 a shot.

Also, a group called Medicare Rights is helping me get RX coverage on an emergency basis.

I'm supposed to have a blood test, check up Monday but with 2 feet of snow, it's looking more and more like it won't happen.

As far as the flap on the Yahoogroup, I've moved on. Some people have come to my defense and all I can think now is, if you have breast cancer and all you can get pissed at is someone who you 'think' hijacked your thread, you need to re evaluate. I think all on that group have enough to think about without semantics and protocol.


Dallas Stars won, thank GOD, now the Islanders gotta split in Buffalo and come back home.


Sincere love to all my wonderful friends who always ask how I am. Love you guys more than you know.

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