Thursday, April 19, 2007

Call Your Congressperson AND It's Never Over Till The Fat Lady Sings


I called Medicare AND Social Security, as instructed. They won't have it. Go away, what? are you kidding? Hang up and never call here again. Well, OK, they didn't say THAT, but they pretty much said, forget it, and as Paul says, I said 'You Never Give Me Your Money'.

So late Friday afternoon, I remained financially screwed.

I called Rep. Gillibrand back and was told they will once again call DC and get something going, but no one has called me back. Which by all accounts can only mean they cannot convince these penny pinching paper pushers to give me a break and get me on the roll 2 months early.

I'll call back Monday when I get back from chemo.
Dallas rebounded to hang on 3 games to 2.

My poor, cursed, spit upon Islanders play in Buffalo tonight. If you hear wailing in the night, don't get a broom and run outside in your pajamas. It's only me weeping for my gallant disrespected and well loved lads.

HUGE big kudos to Kirsten Gillibrand, my congressperson.

With my abysmal insurance situation, I was contacting everyone I could think of. Rep. Gillibrand's office being one of them.

Well, today they called me, and called me and called me. They contacted someone at the Dept. Of Health and Human Services in Washington, and they found a way for me to get my insurance before July!!

I have to Medicare tomorrow and tell them exactly what was told to me today by Rep. Gillibrand's office.

It's not a guarantee, 100%, but hey what is, but they seem pretty confident it will work. They really went above and beyond; calling me 5 times after they spoke with HHS probably 5 times.

So never hesitate to call or write your Representative or Senator.

HUGE THANKS to Kirsten Gillibrand's office! I will be forever in your debt.

DAMN, I'm glad I had those lawn signs up for her and voted for her!

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